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Monday, 27 February 2012

Slider Results are in!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

The Sliders contest has come to an end and we have the results!

  • 1st: Pain 7 days citizen, 5000 bugs, 1st medal
  • 2nd: Dooodle123 5 days citizen, 3000 bugs, 2nd medal3rd:
  •  Shasta6193 3 days citizen, 2000 bugs, 3rd medal

Everyone who took part should have a Pat on the back for their hard work!!


Sunday, 26 February 2012

Show us some Art.

Hewow Chobots,

5 days of not posting, dear me! But, I will be putting up some Art in the Art corner, please send me in your Best art, doesnt matter if it is or not related to Chobots (Must not be Rude) You can comment with a link or talk to me on skype: Predatortom98 I will try to add it as soon as I can.

Have fun creating, and make sure you send the designs in!

Monday, 20 February 2012

New Items

Hello Chobots,

Sorry for not coming on in a Long while, School and Life takes over at some stages, so I apoligise for that. But, I bring new clothes to the Chobots world, here they are:

Pretty neat items, Some of them were from .com i.e the background and the Dinosaur, But the dress is a New item. Go buy them!!!!!

Friday, 17 February 2012

I'm still here!

Hello Chobots,

Long time no see! I am still here making the usual updates on the Chobots world, I have been busy with "Life" Which is annoying. I will be making more posts in the future, The Main Blog has all the Big updates and to make sure you check it once in a while :)

And to make sure you always check the Forum also!
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Make sure you check the Forum!

Hello Chobots,

Just to remind you that you should sign up to the Forum to recieve updates and other news. There is other sections of the Forum that you can post in so make sure you check it out.

Click on the Button to go straight to the Forum!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

More updates!

Hello Chobots,

As you know there has been a huge amount of updates through out the week and some bugs also! Whilst doing the updates they re made the Cafe'

I will also Mention the Times and the Servers!

TIME - 8.00 PM Chobot time

LOCATION - Inside the Cafe'


You can go straight to the Main Blog! They've also started a new Competition, so this creature has got Black spots and white Skin?! Have a guess?

TA DA! Daisy the Cow! If your wondering on where to find this Spectacular Contest go to the Mission and you will find four of them, you can enter any of the four. Main Blog ( will have more details on that!

Well I guess I will see you on the next post.


Friday, 10 February 2012

Cool Art!

Hey guys,

I was just doing my Day to Day chatting on Chobots, when I came acorss this piece of Art:

This Art will be placed in the Art area in blog! did I also mention that I will be adding some blogs on my Blogroll?

Saturday, 4 February 2012

We're still here!

Hello Chobots,

Just to quickly inform you all that I am still here bringing Regular updates! I have been busy with Chobot related stuff, so excuse me for not posting often.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

New Membership items.

Hello Chobots,

February Items are now out! They have added some new Valentines Items, which I think they are pretty cool!

1 Month has some Cool wings and the 6 Month has Board and a BONUS Heart Magic.

This is the Heart magic BONUS! (6 Months)

Have fun with the New Membership items.


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