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Monday, 30 April 2012

Official Twitter

Hello Chobots,

Recenty the Chobots world has gotten more and more popular and it really is hard for everyone to know about the upcoming Events and Parties etc. etc. So instead of messaging everyone, they conducted together an Official Twitter Account, this will be for the reminder of upcoming Events and any urjent notices.

I hope you all enjoy the new Twitter,

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

New Agents

Hello Chobots,

There has been a post on the blog wishing for your opinion about an Official Twitter for, if you do not know how to get there please follow THIS LINK once arrived there will be a vote for you to choose!! :) If you have any questions about this, please comment!!


Sunday, 22 April 2012

Earth Day!

Hello Chobots,

Today has been a fun packed day! We've had many Parties and the occasional Rain! But, todays day was specially dedicated to Earth day a day we appreciate the Enviroment and the current state of our World today!!

So if you see a Piece of Paper lying around or maybe the odd tap left on! Turn it of, you can make a HUGE difference.

Friday, 20 April 2012

New Chat for Agents'

Hello Chobots, Team have decided to make Chobots and Citizens chat a different shade! If you are unsure about what it looks like! You can have a peek here:

As you can see there is a slight change in the shading, comment your views on what you think of it.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Ashely's Blog Application!

Hello Chobots,

There has been a thread on the Forum, for you to send your application on Chobots! So if you want to work on a Moderators blog, be dedicated, then send your application. Make sure that your applications are as detailed as blog posts, since this is a very rare oppurtunity.

In other News...

Forum reputation has been removed of the Forum due to Arguements and fights!

Have fun on Chobots,

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Check the Forum!

Hello Chobots,

There have been some new updates in the Forum, a new Section called, Blog Disccusion. and a New Admin, Ashely (Sorry for getting these names mixed up) - Who I've mentioned in the previous Post! If you want to check out the Forum
 Click --> HERE <---

Have fun on Chobots,


P.S: I've also written out my newest Guide on the Forum, How to upload, go and check that out!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

New Moderator + Contest (Main blog)

Hello Chobots,

Chobots Team have introduced a New Moderator named Ashely, she had been working in other virtual worlds across the Web and has came to Chobots. if you have any questions you csn ask her on the Forum and she is always in the Game.

They have a Eath day video contest being held, click here to go and see more details on the blog.

Have fun on Chobots,

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Guide Staff Jobs

Hello Chobots,

This is going to be a Guide on the Staff roles and what they input into Chobots:

[Image: 2ia7ear.png]

The Designer's of .Net Update and make new clothes, they design Rooms. If you see a designer on .Net you can always prviate message them with some nice ideas.


[Image: 24cxkox.png]

Administration, they are probaly the most important role to play on Chobots! They keep things in Tip top condition, they make sure everything is in correct working order (In game and out game)



[Image: 34g2avn.png]

Developers of .Net sort out Glitches, they are given good suggestions by the Public and put them in to the Game, they ort out all of the Programming and Coding which goes on in the game.


[Image: 21oy1k1.png]

Moderation keeps players from abusing chat and other players, you might find one in the game if you're lucky.


[Image: 2dub50l.png]

Chobots Support Supports email and gives helpful feedback to them, they will reply within 12 hours.

Monday, 9 April 2012


Hello Chobots,

(I've had to re-do this because Blogspot didnt end up saving my post!!)

Since Easter has arrived new Updates and Parties will be just around the corner, that means more fun for you and me. 

Cafe street

Outside House and Eco shop


Space Port Bay

Shop Sqaure

I love these new updates, whats your favourite room?
Now on to the New quest!:


You can find the Bunny infront of the Cafe', click him and this will appear!

You will get a Little cute bunny outfit.

Thanks for reading this post, apoligies for how late it was, if you have any question please comment them! :)

Oh and the Party Pics:

We enjoyed a Pre-taster of the Party that was going to be held later on that same day, unfortuantley I couldnt attend the late one.

Buh Bai.


Saturday, 7 April 2012

Chobots is down!

Hello Chobots,

Currently the Chobots world is down for Maintenance and should be back up soon, this post will update when it's back up!

Friday, 6 April 2012

New Clothes!

Hello Chobots,

New clothes have arrvied into the World, a dress, girly makeup and a Jacket type thing!

Lets take a peek!!

Pretty cool, I love the Jacket! Great work Designers!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

J Badge!

Hello Chobots,

During the Party, Zoo said to us that they will be releasing a J Badge, for is it you may ask, A Journalist badge, earnt by doing these things:

Make sure you email support about these! If you have any worries please comment!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Down Time

Hello Chobots, (In-game) Has gone down for Maintence, I will let you know when it does come back online, for now have fun, Enjoy the weather and talk to some friends!

Chobots is now Back up!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Party with Vilt!

Hello Chobots,

Tonight we all enjoyed a party which Vilt (Designer) made for us, shall we take a look at the party Pics' that I got;

Did I forget to mention in my padt posts that Vilt became a Designer :) Well done to them. Make sure you congratulate them for their hard work and their effort that they put into Chobots.


Cho body design

Hai Chobots,

Nichos implanted this implant which made Chobots in to a mutant, well not a Mutant! Chobots Scientists have fixed this issue, go and have a look if they're okay.

Make sure you check the Forum and the Main blog for more updates.

Have fun on Choobts,


Blog Roll has been flushed!

Hello Chobots,

Zach has removed the Blog roll of the Main blog, who knows what might happen.

Have fun on Chobots guys!!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

2 New contests!

Hello Chobots,

Chobots Team have made two contests at the same time, how neat! Here is what you need to do!!

Blog Competition

Since it is now Spring Time, you have to decorate your blog in a spring themed blog! All you have to do is comment here, Main blog then comment the URL to your Blog.

News Paper Competition

Now, for this part you have to create a News paper, the Subject is a Bunny taking this Sacred Egg, How? When? Will they get it back! make sure you include a good picture and in-depth text, this will give you a good boost in the competition, if you need the Template please go to the Main Blog, or Click this template.

Did I forget to mention that Chloe recieved a Moderator badge, well done to her, and next time you see her say Congratulations! Sadly, we lost an Agent today, User! But never the less, there will be more posts for Agency.

Have fun on Chobots guys.


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